Health and wellness
Living conditions for local Malawi are tough by our standards. The houses are small, and often leak in the rainy season. There are significant issues with HIV with many children infected. Malaria is quite common as are a number of other diseases. Many children are poorly nourished and have weakened immune systems. Keeping healthy and growing up strong is a challenge for the people of Liwonde and the local community.
Health clinic
Room has been set aside within the Community Centre for a health clinic and plans are underway for a “Doctors without Borders’ doctor and nurse to set up clinic. It is the aim to have this underway by early 2019.
Community support
Within the local community there are elderly people who are bed ridden and are unable to look after themselves adequately. Mphatikizo provides home care through supporting local women to regularly visit and look after these people. From time to time, local people pass away and the family are too poor to afford a funeral. As part of the community, Mphatikizo helps provide dignity to family in these circumstances and assists with the funeral expenses.
Outreach programme
When groups of New Zealand volunteers visit, one of the roles for the women is to spend time with local young women sharing and listening. Teenage pregnancy and dropping out of school are common in Malawi, so by listening to local women tell their story, and visa-versa, they can learn from each other and can become empowered.
How you can help:
If you are interested in helping in the health clinic and are suitably qualified, you can apply to assist in the clinic as a volunteer. Alternatively, you can donate to support home-care helpers who look after the elderly or provide dignity for someone whose family can’t afford their funeral.